First Socialism, then Communism | IPOV S1-E11

First Socialism, then Communism | IPOV S1-E11

First Socialism, then Communism | IPOV S1-E11   Today, Chris and Spencer dive into the history of socialism, and discuss how to bring the country back. From Spencer: Wow this was a good one. Chris is an amazing researcher and I learned so much from preparing for...
Stoicism and The Things We Can Learn | IPOV S1-E10

Stoicism and The Things We Can Learn | IPOV S1-E10

We’re back on a roll. Now one might ask why we chose to discuss a pagan philosophy on a Christian podcast, and the reason is because there is much to be learned! In the wise words of my Great Uncle David: “Chew the meat and spit out the bones.” Next...
Leadership | IPOV S1-E9

Leadership | IPOV S1-E9

I DROPPED THE BALL! This episode is super late, and that’s all my fault. Spencer that is. But moving on: This episode is all about leadership. Unfortunately, I didn’t keep my notes on this episode either. Only exception: Webster’s definition for Leader:...

Good, Evil and Carnality: Time to Starve | IPOV S1-E8

Spencer soloed today’s show, as Travis and Chris were otherwise engaged. Spencer had no problem filling the time however, and speaks on fatherhood, carnality, and his experience as a counselor at Youth Camp, among many other things. Spencer’s article:...
Self-Discipline and Accountability | IPOV S1-E7

Self-Discipline and Accountability | IPOV S1-E7

This episode, we had a recording mishap, and put out the episode nearly a week later than usual. We are hoping to save up to have our own recording equipment to avoid recording issues in the future, but for now, we are grateful to our church for giving us access to...

Is Freedom Just an Illusion? | IPOV S1-E5

On this episode of IPOV, Christ, Travis and Spencer explore the depths of what Freedom means, both as American citizens, but also, and more importantly, as Christians.  Be sure to checkout the new link page: Please sign up for...